Friday, May 7, 2010

Hi Friends

I have a confession: if I didn't have a blog I probably wouldn't have gone on the date I went on last night.

I winked at him on Match because he looked interesting. He emailed me back and said that he would like to meet me, but he absolutely refused to e-mail without a plan to meet.

It struck me as odd; why did he go out of his way to make certain I knew he would not email? He could have said, "thanks for the wink, want to meet up sometime?" But he not only said let's meet, but also was really negative about emailing.

After this interaction, I pondered just letting it go, but I thought it might be worth meeting.

We finally fixed a time and date to meet up, at which point I received another strange email. It said that it is his policy to go dutch on the first date. He wanted to let me know that he isn't cheep, that's just the way he rolls.

I once again pondered not going on this date. There are plenty of ways to go dutch on the first date without sending that intention via email. It struck me as very odd and indicative of an extremely analytical nature or bitterness. It was like he had a dating policy manual that he followed to the letter.

As I said earlier if it weren't for the blog, I probably would have passed this one by.

But I went and it was actually OK. He was the overly analytical type. For much of the date he peppered me with questions about my job, which was good that he kept the conversation moving, but made me feel somewhat like I was being interviewed.

At the end of the date, he said, "this was fun, if you ever want to go out again shoot me an email." He needs to put the dating manual for nerds away and as my patient told me yesterday, nut up or shut up.

Still, all in all, not a disaster.

In other blog news, I am going to see Mr. try-it-again Saturday and the ijl guy on Sunday.

Good night.


  1. i don't understand. why is this date ok? details, katie! i'm trying to learn here.

  2. how did yesterday's (Sunday) date go?

  3. Hey Katie - Nut up, or shut up (LOL!!!) I love it! You're so brave!!

  4. Hah! I am a guy and reading your blog. Muahahahha. (You mentioned it in covenant group)

    Personally, I think some of the anecdotes here are hilarious. I read the first page and thought the "lucky cats" part was especially funny.

    Cool that the last few guys seem decent!!

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