Sunday, May 2, 2010

the good stuff

Hi friends

It has been quite a weekend.

First of all, my date with Mr. Try-it-again was great. We went to some gardens (not the cheesecake factory ;-)) and it was lovely. The gardens were amazing, the day was beautiful, we walked all around. He is a great guy; I know that he is on the same page as me in all the essentials, he is tall, good looking, funny, easy-going, conversational, polite, friendly, deep etc... There has been post-date texting and I am fairly certain that there will be another date. The challenge right now is to go with the flow and not put all my eggs in one basket. It is important to keep other irons in the fire and let things unfold as they will.

Speaking of other irons, I went on an IJL date tonight. On my drive down, I was in a really bad mood. They sent me to Ellicott City and I was not happy that I had to drive forty minutes to meet someone who would most likely be bad. A new person set this date up, which also annoyed me because I am now on my fifth dating director. How are they supposed to get to know me if they change people every two minutes? So I grumpily headed out to meet what I assumed would be my next disaster date. Seriously, I should get paid for some of the dates I've been on; they are so much worse than the TV show.

However, I was surprised. He was nice, fun to talk to, and we hit it off. Chemistry is a funny thing; we really got along. We talked about everything from the generational gap in the workplace to child discipline. I think I will see him again. Who would have ever guessed?

No word from Mr. Coffee since Thursday-seems like that may be a done deal.

Before I log off for the night, I have one objection to file: PDA in Church. This morning, there was a cute little young couple in front of me who couldn't keep their hands off each other. She was wearing a sparkly diamond ring on her left ring finger so I am assuming that they are newly engaged. Before I sound like a cynical, heartless, single person, let me say that I am not against 1) showing affection, 2) showing affection on Church premises or 3) young silly love.

I am, however, against distracting, ridiculous displays of affection during the sermon. There is a season, turn, turn. A time to give back massages, a time to merely hold hands and listen to the sermon, a time to kiss, a time to face forward, a time to stop the hungry eyes. They should put up a sign: PDA with caution.

The heart of the matter is that I want Church to be my safe place. A place where I can leave all the crap of my daily life at the door and interact with the Divine. A place where I feel at peace.

And when little billy-bob and suzy are all up in each other's business right in front of me it brings it all back down to earth.

They are twenty and they found love. Boom.
I don't know if I'll ever find love. Boom.
I really wish I had someone to go to Church with. Boom.

Don't you think they could suspend their dewy-eyed lovefest for one hour?

But then it makes me think-are there things that I do in Church that are insensitive to others and I don't know it? What can I do to be more sensitive and supportive of others?

I want to remember this feeling. I want to help not hurt others. And I never want to be that girl.

Good night

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