Friday, April 30, 2010

The battle for everything

Hello friends

I am finally feeling a little better; at least well enough to rejoin society. It's really nice to have my voice back.

This week has been somewhat productive on the dating front.

I had a second date with Mr. Coffee. We spent 4+ hours together and it went well. We had good conversation (he now writes about gold and oil), we talked about religion a little, we laughed about various absurdities. Overall a fun time and I would like to see him again. I think he'll call me...we will see.

The chronic e-mailer I posted about last time sent me yet another generic e-mail so I finally bit the bullet and asked him out for drinks. He sent me a very confusing reply. Something about how he joined match prematurely and he wanted to take it easy before jumping back into things and he wanted to continue e-mailing me. I don't get it-why join match if you don't want to meet people? I thought that was the whole point. It makes me think he is already in a relationship and wants to keep me in his back pocket for a rainy day. No thanks Mr. e-mail. I wrote him back and told him if he ever wants to meet, contact me, but I am not interested in being the random girl he e-mails when he is bored.

I am meeting up with Mr. Give-it-another-try tomorrow. I am looking forward to it and will report back with details.

Here is something that I am pondering tonight: how do you balance letting a man take the lead vs. getting to do things that you actually want to do?

I want a man who wants to take care of me. I don't want to wear the pants in future relationships. However, this becomes difficult when people suggest going places/doing things that do not interest me. What do you say when someone wants to meet up at The Cheesecake Factory? It's tough because I don't want to derail his plan, but I don't want to eat at The Cheesecake Factory either. My natural instinct is to take over and manhandle the situation so that I don't have to suffer in a chain restaurant, but then another part of me thinks that I should go with the flow and as he gets to know me, he will realise that I don't want to eat certain places/do certain things. The other option is to shoot it down all together. But then if he doesn't have a back up plan it could get awkward.

It is difficult. Relationships are so tenuous in the beginning. I don't want to pass a great person up because he couldn't come up with the perfect date on the first try. And I don't want to manhandle all my dates. And I don't want to go on bad dates. It's a quandary.

Good night


  1. if he can't handle you telling him you don't want to eat at the Cheesecake Factory (totally understandable by the way) I think you should go ahead and manhandle it, the guy that will be able to deal and still come out on top will be the winner!

  2. sorry you were sick again, Katie!
    4 hours?!? must've been a good date :)

  3. a few thoughts re: cheesecake factory
    1. maybe him choosing the cheesecake factory is a sign that he likes to play things safe which may also mean he values stability over risk which may further mean he is the type of guy that thinks about insurance, IRAs, competitive mortgage rates, etc...
    2. you can be sure that you'll go home with leftovers and he may be thinking the same thing - which may mean that he is not a food-waster/ money-waster; has a good appetite; in desperate need of a wife who can cook
    3. imagine how awed he'll be when he has YOUR food!

  4. i would hope that Cheesecake Man could handle both situations and not think twice about it! if it goes well you could always suggest the next one or drinks afterwards?

    look at me trying to wear the pants here!

    miss you friend. we always seem to pass each other in the distance.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks ladies! I knew I could count on you :-)
